" When You meditate, when you develop divine or sattvic virtue, a spiritual road is constructed in the mind.If you are not regular in meditation, if your dispassion wanes, if you become careless and non-vigilant, the spiritual road will be washed away by the flood of impure thoughts and evil vasanas. There fore be regular in your meditation. Regularity in meditation is of paramount importance.
when you practice meditation, japa, kirtan, pranayama or enquiry, worldly thoughts, cravings and vasanas are supressed. If you are irregular in meditation and if your dispassion wanes, they try to manifest again, they persist and resist. Therefore, be regular in your meditation and do more vigorous sadhana. Cultive more dispassion. They will be gradually thinned out and eventually destroyed."
Be regular in your meditation:)
" Concentration e Meditation, Swami Sivananda ".
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